Saturday, October 31, 2009
coming along.... i guess...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
And there and there
The road to completion, however, was quite an educational experience.
When I was given my beat -- Business -- I knew I was going to be writing about topics I had zero interest in... I was quite frightened when I received my beat, thinking that I wouldn't be able to focus on stories in the business area. Though I am still somewhat hesitant (but excited) for my future stories, the completion of my stories are pumping me up to write more stories!
I learnt a lot from the two articles I've written:
Number one, that I shouldn't be focused so much on my interviews! I know it sounds horrible to say, considering half the objective of a journalist is to interview the public for insight, but I feel that for my articles, I spent too much time talking to people about superfluous things that never made it into my article. Basically, I'm saying that, though the interview is an important aspect of any story, it should be concise, precise and short; otherwise, there is too much information to sift though, and too much information to preoccupy your mind with. For example, my interview with Neil Richardson for my story on the Seventh Avenue Restoration Project was quite informational, but lasted two hours!! These two hours were spent talking about things that could be found in the company's website, and I felt my questions could have been chopped by half.
Number two, I realized that word-length is really important. My second story for print totaled up close to 2,000 words, when the limit was set at 1,000. I felt so afraid that I would not write enough that I ended up writing way too much! For any future story, I'll know to be concise as much as possible and to not repeat myself.
Number three, I found that shortening my article really put perspective on my writing. By shortening it to 1,000 words from 2,000, I taught myself how to discern between what is needed and what can be taken out. This I found most important for any future stories I will be writing. Sometimes it can be hard to take out information, but if the information is superfluous, it needs to be deleted.
Number four, that research is really important but shouldn't be put on a pedestal. It is good to get some background information on a topic you're writing on, but spending too much time on research could lead to an incomplete story.
And last but not least, I realized that perfection is not needed for everything I do. I am such a perfectionist, but I found with writing my two first stories, my perfectionist nature came out too strong. Everything I wrote needed revising right after I had written it, and I was never satisfied. I am glad that I was given the opportunity to realize this point, and now I know I can change it... next time, I will be less perfectionist, and more rationalist. Does that make any sense?
Hopefully I can take these things I've learnt and apply it to my next goes nothing!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Way to Go
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
New beginning.
It's all up in the air...

So I am flying to England for a week this Sunday, and while I'm there I think I'll write an article selling the city of Nottingham, where I'll be staying. I've spoken to Ron, who suggested doing an article similar to those found in airplane magazines. 'Don't go to London: Consider Nottingham Instead!' or something along those lines...
I also have quite a few friends in bands there, so could narrow my topic and write about Nottingham's music scene, or a typical night out on on the town...
On another note, I have an interview planned with the head eating disorders counselor and psychologist for MRU this Friday, which will give me a third source for my student body image article...hey presto time to get writing!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
arrghhh! it's still alive?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Decisive Decision on Topics

I'm hoping they are legitamate topics to discuss though, as I feel I am quite picky when it comes to topics. I think I am governed by my indecisiveness... I even think I have a certain set of mental processes that follows an order: first I come up with a topic I think I might enjoy. I get excited about the topic, and my mind wanders. I then do a little bit of research on the said topic, and I hype myself up to the point where I start asking myself too many questions regarding my chosen topic. After five minutes of google-ing said topic, I begin to grow anxious, and with determination, I drop said topic to start back at step 1.
Except! the three chosen topics I came up with are great topics that I think I will keep! If you are at all interested in wanting to know my topics, you will have to discuss them with me...
Hitting wall after wall, and not the good kind
Both stories I'm working on for Ron's class have hit their respective snafus. The story I want to do on the Berlin Wall - and I am super keen to do this - seems to be hitting problem after problem. Largely in that no one will get back to me. I still have some feelers out, and haven't given up entirely (Carolina, I still want to speak with your dad), but it certainly takes a lot of the enjoyment out of the prospect of writing this piece.
The positive side: I found a Calgary local who has a doctorate in German history, who is on sabbatical in Germany right now. She is my story! She couldn't be more perfect.
The negative side: She is in Germany.
The other story, I'm running into not just passive not-calling-me-back-ness, but outright hostility. I want to interview the woman who teaches reiki at Mount Royal, and the program chair has refused to give me her contact information for privacy reasons. Ron thinks this is bullshit, but when I questioned her on it, she got pretty darn testy. Has anyone else encountered this?
I also found out that you can't just go to a class, and write about your experience there. It goes against the freedom to teach. In order for me to learn Reiki, then write a story about it, I need to get permissions from people who seem all too keen on denying me. Harrumph - it's just been a day. Maybe someone will call me back tomorrow, or the most perfect source will fall from the sky ...
Late but better than never.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Halloween Stalk

Regardless of this little tidbit of information, yesterday I went to Walmart to go speak with some Halloween shoppers! For some strange reason, I was completely at ease with approaching people, and I think it might have been because of Sally's assignment at the beginning of the semester which saw us getting out of our comfort zone. It was funny because the more I was meandering around the Halloween section, the more I started feeling comfortable talking to people I didn't know. The first couple of times was a failure, however, as the first people I talked to had no purpose being in the Halloween section: they told me they were just wandering around to see what wares Walmart would be selling this year....
...ButI did finally get some good quotes from one man buying candy, and another man searching for a Halloween costume, who conviently commented on his Halloween spending habits. It was a success!
I still couldn't help but feel like a stalker, though.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Roll On With The Show

Monday, October 5, 2009
Don't Talk About It

I guess I will begin my posting with my morning in Brentwood; then I'll complete it by discussing my interview with Leah Hallman of Campus Pro-Life. Yay!
Last night was a tricky night for me, as I had just decided on what story I should work on for my COMM3707 class, and I wasn't sure whether it was to be a good topic or not. Alas, after much contemplation and roaming around the house looking for ideas, I decided to focus on the new proposed Transit Oriented Development in Brentwood. It is a topic that many journalists in Calgary have already discussed, so I was hesitant at first, but I found my angle: how the new development project is going to affect the small businesses in the area. This is perfect, considering my beat is Business!!! :)
After a few hours of research on the topic (even though Ron has said that research accomplishes nothing, haha), I began to formulate my questions. I was having trouble formulating, as I did not really know what I wanted to know except for "how will this new project affect your small business?", but from that question I began to formulate following questions, and before I knew it, it was 1am in the morning (should that be written 1 in the morning, or 1am-in the morning??) and I had a full page of questions!
Flashfoward to when I was up before first light this morning, and I was on my way to Brentwood to ask my newly formed questions to the beautiful business owners in the area. I first decided to go to the Liquor Depot where I was told to contact a man at headquarters. That was a bust. No worry, I told myself, I will just go over to A Buck or Two and ask my questions there... alas, no luck, again: I was asked to contact the owner of the store another day to initiate a sit-down interview at a better time (it was Christmas inventory today), so I will follow this lead at another date. My next stop was the Fish&Chips resturant owned by a Chinese man who a) didn't speak english, and b) didn't want to speak. Case closed... Next stop, Ginger Beef Peking House whose owner was not around. From there, Pro-Grace Dentistry who made clear that she would not speak to any media regarding the development project. Another case closed. I didn't loose hope though. I walked over to Pizza Hut where I began a lovely conversation with a source who knew more about the development project than she lead me to believe. After a lengthy conversation, I took her name, and NOW HAVE A SOURCE! Moreover, Jameson's is willing to speak with me about the development, so I have ANOTHER SOURCE!!
I think that my determination to find a source was what kept me going. I could have easily walked away from Brentwood expecting everyone to tell me nothing, but my persistence lead to future interviews, and one named source! It feels so good to actually know that I am on the right track.
Directly after my Brentwood excursion, I had to go meet with Leah Hallman for Campus Pro-Life. On my way over to the University campus, I could start feeling nervous; I had my questions all prepared, but I was worried about the conversation: would my questions be good? Will her answers be short or long? Will I know how to pad our conversation so it doesn't seem cold and script-like? Before I could even start worrying about these questions though, I found myself speaking with Leah in a quiet room... this was it! It was at that moment that I just seemed to relax and tell myself that whatever happened, just happened. If I made a stupid comment, then so be it! If I made moments awkward, then I would learn from them!
In all, I felt my interview was quite good! I was even able to fill the pauses with other questions that I never intended to ask, and it went fine. I felt so good afterwards that, again, I accomplished something, and that I was on the right track....
Saturday, October 3, 2009
A Deciding Change
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Method Reporting?

I finally had an idea for Ron's class, one that would really interest me. I'd like to do a piece on Reiki healing, what that is all about. I find the hardest part for me in regards to reporting, is finding the angle. I'm great at coming up with story ideas, and I can find people to talk to about it, but then the question is: what next? I'm not sure exactly what my angle should be. Do you gather information before talking to people, or do you talk to people, then discover what angle you want to take afterwards? Or is this like a chicken or egg thing?
The other thing is, how far can you go while researching a story? Mount Royal offers one-day classes in Reiki, something that I would totally do. Could I sign up for a class, and make this part of my story? Or would that affect my perspective too much? Or does it even matter - can't I make up my perspective as I'm going? I feel like I have too many questions, not enough answers right now.