Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just Shut Up and Write

Hey guys,
This is my first blog post. Ever. I feel a little intimidated- and excited, if that’s possible.

So, I have been told, at the very last minute, that my story idea for the Calgary Journal is good and they would like to have it ready NOW. As in ASAP. As in it should have been done yesterday. So, since I have yet to discover the secret to time travel, I have to write this story- my first journalism piece- now.

o say that I panicked would be a severe understatement. I could feel my body temperature rise and my muscles contract. My brain started screaming at me, “There is no why this can get done in time!!! This is horrible!!!” and every whiner’s favourite, “Why me?”

It was the last question that got me to “snap out of it”- why Not me? After all, I signed up for this certificate program, KNOWING that it was going to intense. I have to start from somewhere- so why not here? So, mustering what little courage I have, I picked up the phone and started making some phone calls. And guess what? The media relations people at both SAIT and MRU have been really receptive and I have arranged an interview with SAIT’s VP of Academics for tomorrow at 1. (I am still waiting to hear back from MRU).

And while I was typing out this post- I just heard back from my friend A.L .who has arranged for me to interview a former classmate of hers who is perfect for my piece. I owe her BIG! Hopefully a cup of coffee and slice of cake will do.
Am I going to succeed in my first attempt in writing a journalism piece... depends on what we define as success. For me, it will be enough to just to get the piece done in time to show to S.- who, by the way, would like to see it tomorrow. I must admit, as nervous and intimidated as I feel, I am enjoying the tingle of adrenaline that I am getting.

Was I an adrenaline junkie in hiding all this time?

I have no clue. I also have no clue whether I will be able to make my deadlines or not- I have yet to create my interview questions and submit my story budget.
But for what it’s worth, at least I am trying.

So I guess it’s time for me to (finally) stop my whining and just shut up and write.

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