okay, so I got comment back from Ron and they were not as bad as I had dreaded. I think I am starting to see why my article on immigration is so off... I was writing it more like an essay then an article and actually the little cafeteria exercise I think was really good for me because it kind of reminded me that I am an observant person I just was getting caught up in thinking that including details was self indulgent when it is perhaps more the point than anything else. I need to keep it simple and I REALLY need to come into a situation with a focus so I don't let myself get overwhelmed with the info... Sometimes i just need to keep it simple and write. Stop over thinking things. Wow looks like I have come out the other side doesn't it. No more dark brooding, self-pitying bullshit. So my goal is to have either the brain injury story or the immigrant story good to go by wednesday.... (Have you noticed yet I like giving myself deadlines and ironically enough these are the ones that stress me out the most! Funny.)
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