Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Late but better than never.

Hi my name is Carolina Novotny and I have to admit that I have never blogged before. And this image captures how I feel today about new technology. About Final Cut and about filing stories. Which explains why I am the last to join this forum. But here goes.... 
Though the technology stuff has been stressing me out a bit... I am enjoying the interview aspect.  For this class I am working on two stories:
1) exploring an immigrant's sense of home -- the idea being that their sense of home must be different from a native canadians -- I have been where they consider home their country of origin or canada and why or why not as well as what aspects they miss form home.   I have also been asking what they remember from their transition...  
My first interview (about 2 weeks ago now) was with an argentinian woman,Claudia, who imigrated when she was ten.  She was very frank about having a negative experience transitioning and feeling rootless everywhere.  She considers Calgary home only because this is the place she has made the most connections with other people in.'
My second interview was with Richard a polish imigrant who came to canada in the 70s when he was in his late 20s.  He seemed somewhat disillusioned by his experience.   He wouldn't do it again and he felt he had given up too much of his life for his daughters' futures. 
I was at this point that a touched base with Ron and he suggested that to write a powerful piece I would need to have my interview subject open up and give me annecdotes about how canada compares with the old country...  I think I didnt really get that with Claudia (who is unfortunately now in new york for two months)  but I think I got good descriptions form Richard of what he misses which was the comeradery in the work place.
Today I interviewed my friend Alison's grandmother who immigrated from england when she was widowed at the age of 62.  I now have Ron's tips with me but I must admit it was harder to get her to describe anecdote like stories of home than I expected.  It was interesting to hear her story since it was very different from my other test subjects since she came over much later in life.  
Now I am going to transcribe my interview with her which I taped and I hope to have a rough draft of my article done by wednesday.
Saying it 'out loud' to motivate me....

2) I am also working on a story about how the family is affected when a member of the family suffers from a brain injury.
I interviewed Christine about this and she gave me honest really touching answers.  I am now waiting to hear back from BIRC about interviewing an occupational therapist (it was supposed to happen last week but I got bumped) and tomorrow if I dont hear from them I will contact SABIS as backup.  I also still need to find a family member to interview... will speak to sabis about that one...

So thats is that...
I also have two on the brain ideas:
-organic foods... what guarantee we have that organics are actually that and what is with the new government issue sticker...
-or doing one week of everything envirofriendly... namely NOT driving my car for one week and seeing how I am affected.  not sure about this one -- I would also compost, recycle... I dont know what else to round it out....

okay so that is where i am at...

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